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Alves e Garcez | Blog
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A 1ª Vara do Trabalho de São Caetano do Sul condenou, novamente, a Brasilit, empresa que faz parte do conglomerado francês Saint-Gobain, a indenizar em R$ 100 mil um ex-trabalhador diagnosticado com Placas Pleurais compatíveis com a exposição ao amianto. O ex-trabalhador, representado pelo escritório Alino & Roberto e Advogados, exerceu suas funções na empresa entre os anos de 1971 e 1980. Durante esse período esteve exposto a pó de amianto sem o uso de qualquer...

Creating a blog is easy. Just choose one of the available blog templates for your blog page. You can combine various types of blog lists with a sidebar. Populate the sidebar with a collection of useful widgets. Turn on the social sharing to ensure your posts can easily be shared on social networks. Choose a post type for each of your single posts, so your links, gallery, audio, video, quote, and standard posts...

Creating a blog is easy. Just choose one of the available blog templates for your blog page. You can combine various types of blog lists with a sidebar. Populate the sidebar with a collection of useful widgets. Turn on the social sharing to ensure your posts can easily be shared on social networks. Choose a post type for each of your single posts, so your links, gallery, audio, video, quote, and standard posts...

Creating a blog is easy. Just choose one of the available blog templates for your blog page. You can combine various types of blog lists with a sidebar. Populate the sidebar with a collection of useful widgets. Turn on the social sharing to ensure your posts can easily be shared on social networks. Choose a post type for each of your single posts, so your links, gallery, audio, video, quote, and standard posts...

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